SUISA 21.11.2019 Switzerland finally has a new copyright law! On 27 September 2019, both the National Council and the Council of States at last held a final vote approving … AGUR12Federal CouncilDiscussionExecutive committeeSwisscopyrightCopyrightCopyright reviewWork exploitation on the internet
SUISA 18.11.2019 How SUISA distributes fees collected for background entertainment More than 100,000 companies in Switzerland use music, TV and films for background entertainment purposes. For these usages, the companies … Common tariffCT 3aBackground musicLicence incomeUse outside private sphereSister societyCopyright remunerationDistributionDistribution key
SUISA 14.11.2019 Two new faces for the Board meeting in autumn At the General Meeting in June 2019, two new members were elected into the SUISA Board. At the first meeting … Direct licensingCorporate strategyCollective management organisationBoardBoard committee
Music use 12.11.2019 Videos with music on the internet: New offer for small enterprises Until now, enterprises and individuals had to license each video with music on their websites and social media channels individually … Music userOnline useOnline videoSocial mediaSynchronisation rightNeighbouring rightsWork exploitation on the internet
Members 05.11.2019 Finding her own universe Cécile Marti is one of the most outstanding protagonists of contemporary music in Switzerland. In her work, the composer and … Carte blancheFONDATION SUISAComposerCompositionFoundation for music promotionMusic promotionSwiss composerContemporary music
Music world 29.10.2019 “The Director’s Blog” - “We want to make our work more visible” The FONDATION SUISA, a non-profit foundation, has been promoting the latest Swiss music creations since 1989. You can read about … FONDATION SUISAFoundation for music promotionMusic promotionSwiss music
SUISA 04.10.2019 Wanted: New member for the Distribution and Works Committee How are collections distributed to authors and publishers? Who receives how much and from which usages of their works? Such … General MeetingCooperative societyPlagiarismPublisherDistributionDistribution and Works CommitteeDistribution rulesElections
Members 01.10.2019 Where there is no love, everything is in vain Zurich composer and music journalist Rolf Urs Ringger passed away on 26 June 2019 aged 84. ComposerMusicologyObituarySwiss composerSUISA memberContemporary music
Music world 13.09.2019 Intriguing insights and concerts at the Zeiträume Festival Would you like to look over composers’ shoulders while they are working? Would you like to ask them what inspires … Classical musicComposerComposer panelCompositionConcertMusic festivalSponsoringContemporary music
Good to know 11.09.2019 Changes in distribution for Common Tariff K and Z revenues The CHF 20 limit for the distribution of revenues under Common Tariffs K (concerts) and Z (circuses) has been eliminated. … SettlementsPerforming rightsCommon tariffConcertLive musicDistributionDistribution rules
Members 05.09.2019 A tribute to Claudio Taddei On 9 August this year, singer-songwriter and painter Claudio Taddei passed away at the age of 52. ObituarySongwriterSUISA memberTicino
plus video Music world 28.08.2019 “Ab is Wälschland – off to the Valais” to the Swiss Folk Music Festival In May, five young folk music performers under the direction of Dani Häusler in Crans-Montana in order to compose a … CompositionNewcomerSponsoringSUISA Music StoriesFolk musicFolk music festival
plus video SUISA 20.07.2019 A look back at the SUISA General Meeting 2019 Around 150 voting SUISA members attended the annual General Meeting on 21 June 2019 at the Kongresszentrum in Biel to … Complaints CommitteeGeneral MeetingCooperative societyExecutive committeeMembershipFoundation for music promotionDatesCopyright reviewDistribution and Works CommitteeCollective management organisationBoardElections
Music world 19.07.2019 Creating music in the era of contamination A discussion on the deceptively simple theme of ‘contamination in music’ provided much food for thought, reaffirming the desire to … DiscussionJazzComposer panelCompositionSponsoringTicinoContemporary music
SUISA 18.07.2019 Summer meeting of the SUISA Board As in previous years, the summer meeting of the SUISA Board took place on the day before the General Assembly, … Principality of LiechtensteinJoint ventureMint Digital ServicesSESACDistributionDistribution rulesBoardRights administration agreement
Members 16.07.2019 The result of an endless passion for experimentation The Eclecta duo, made up of Zurich and Winterthur residents Andrina Bollinger and Marena Whitcher, experiments with sounds that defy … FONDATION SUISAFoundation for music promotionMusic promotionPop cultureSwiss musicSongwriterSwiss pop
Members 15.07.2019 Travelling with and inside a space Place, time and space play a pivotal role in the works of composer, Beat Gysin. In his six-part “Lightweight building … FONDATION SUISAComposerCompositionFoundation for music promotionMusic promotionSwiss composerContemporary music
plus video Music use 12.07.2019 Common Tariff 3a: A hundred thousand new SUISA business customers With regards to Common Tariff 3a (CT 3a), SUISA has been managing all customers directly again since 01 January 2019. … Common tariffBusinessesCT 3aBackground musicCustomer serviceCustomer portalMusic userCopyright remuneration
Members 11.07.2019 “Orchestral spaces” or if music becomes spatially tangible when you listen to it In his work, composer Michael Künstle deals with the interplay between tonal dramatisation and dramatic tones. The 27-year-old Basel resident … Film musicFONDATION SUISAComposerCompositionFoundation for music promotionMusic promotionOrchestraSwiss composerSoundtrackSwiss film musicContemporary music
SUISA 06.06.2019 Everyone come and join us at our General Assembly in Biel/Bienne Dear members, on 21 June 2019, it's that time of the year again. At our General Assembly, you will have … General MeetingCooperative societyExecutive committeeMembershipFoundation for music promotionDatesCopyright reviewCollective management organisationBoardElectionsWork exploitation on the internet
Good to know 05.06.2019 Specific forms of arrangement Sampling and Remixes The articles about arrangements in the “Good to know” series have so far focused on “conventional” arrangements of musical works. … ArrangementElectronic musicCo-authorMusic labelMusic producerModel contractOriginal compositionTerm of protectionCopyrightNeighbouring rightsWork registration