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Corona budget up to the end of May has been met
The impact of the corona crisis on the financial situation of the Cooperative was the main topic at the meetings of SUISA’s Board of Directors on 25 and 26 June 2020.
Photo: Bartolomiej Pietrzyk /
Report from the Board of Directors by Andreas Wegelin
For the second time, the Board of Directors had to hold its regular meetings as video conferences due to corona. Of course, the financial situation due to the pandemic was also the most important topic at these meetings.

The Board of Directors took note of the revenue figures up to the end of May 2020, which have fallen by 15.5% compared to the original budget for performing rights. In terms of total sales, the decline is still 7.7%. The Executive Committee therefore presented a corona budget as early as April. The budget could be met until the end of May. Revenues are even slightly higher (+3.1%).

It is important to know, however, that these revenues generated by the end of May originate from the time before the cancellation of all events. The impact on revenues due to the events that have been cancelled since mid-March will only be felt in the second half of the year. Savings were made on the cost side (–3%), but the current bonds and securities situation had a negative impact.

Audit report, Mint, PRS

The Board of Directors also acknowledged the comprehensive report of the auditors, BDO, and discussed various report points with the Executive Committee.

With regard to the joint venture Mint Digital Services with the American society SESAC, the Board of Directors was informed about the planning of licensing activities in the coming months and the roadmap 2020–24. It is planned to extend the direct licensing of our repertoire to India, Australasia and Africa. In this context, the Board of Directors decided to grant guarantees for the licensing of large publishing catalogues.

The renewal of the reciprocal representation agreement with the English sister society PRS was also a topic at the Board meeting. PRS is taking a critical stance regarding the deductions from revenues for social purposes as provided for in our Articles of Association. This could lead to a revision of the Articles of Association after further negotiations with the PRS.

Waiver of attendance fees in favour of emergency fund

In view of the difficult situation for many cultural performers and especially for SUISA members, the Board of Directors decided to waive its attendance fees in favour of SUISA’s recently established emergency fund. Executive Committee members also waive parts of their salaries in a similar amount in favour of a reduction in personnel costs.

Report of the task force of the SUISA Board of Directors – end of June 2020
In April 2020, SUISA’s Board of Directors set up a working group to respond as quickly as possible to the negative financial impact of the Covid-19 crisis on SUISA and to identify cost-saving measures together with the Executive Committee. Read more

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