SUISA 08.06.2023 SUISA Board of Directors The board meetings of April 2023 On 24 and 25 April 2023, the Board members met in Zurich. Among other things, the annual accounts for the … 100 yearsComplaints CommitteeReciprocal representation agreementGeneral MeetingAnnual accountsDistribution and Works CommitteeBoardBoard committeeElectionsSupplementary distribution
SUISA 26.05.2023 General Meeting A special General Meeting during the anniversary year The SUISA General Meeting will be held soon. We are looking forward to seeing many members who are entitled to … 100 yearsComplaints CommitteeReciprocal representation agreementGeneral MeetingCooperative societySUISA memberDatesDistribution and Works CommitteeBoardElections
SUISA 17.07.2020 Corona budget up to the end of May has been met For the second time, the Board of Directors had to hold its regular meetings as video conferences due to corona. … BudgetDirect licensingCollectionsReciprocal representation agreementJoint ventureMint Digital ServicesOnline licensingSister societyBoard
Good to know 16.11.2015 Several collecting societies Dual memberships: SUISA, and what else? SUISA manages the rights for its members globally. You should carefully review and consider the relevant effort and income if … International settlementReciprocal representation agreementMembershipSister society
SUISA 10.06.2015 A worldwide network for the rights of SUISA members Music doesn’t know any boundaries. Not just literally but also geographically: Once you have managed to make it abroad, a … International settlementReciprocal representation agreementMembershipSister societyCopyright remuneration
SUISA 14.03.2015 Musik, ein internationales Geschäft! Auch für SUISA-Mitglieder? In der Schweiz wird viel mehr ausländische Musik gespielt als Musik unserer Mitglieder im Ausland. Die höchsten Einnahmen aus dem … SettlementsInternational settlementCISACReciprocal representation agreementMusic exportSister society