Music world 25.11.2024 Solothurn Film Festival 2025 Networking with filmmakers For the second time, the Solothurn Film Festival is offering an extensive networking and further education programme for professionals from … Film musicSoundtrackSponsoringSwiss film musicDatesWorkshop
Music use 03.04.2023 Use of music in audiovisual projects Purportedly “free” music Many people browse the internet looking for music to use in their audiovisual projects. Sometimes, the music offered is designated … Public domainCollective managementLicensing agreementOnline videoTerm of protectionSoundtrackSynchronisation rightCopyrightNeighbouring rights
Music world 24.03.2023 European Youth Choir Festival “The audience should bathe in a cloud of sound” From 17 to 21 May 2023, the European Youth Choir Festival will take place in Basel. On the opening day, … Film musicCompositionConcertMusic festivalSoundtrackSponsoringDates
Music world 20.09.2022 Workshop SUISA Workshop at “Soundtrack Zurich” Do you have any questions about remuneration for online uses of music in films, series or commercials? Visit the SUISA … Film musicOnline useSoundtrackSponsoringSwiss film musicDatesVideo on demandWorkshop
Good to know 07.06.2022 Music in video games Music in video games: Licensing and Addendum to Rights Administration Agreement What is a video game without sound? Video games are hard to imagine without music. Many games become huge hits … DownloadOnline useSoundtrackStreamingSynchronisation rightTariffReproduction rightsNeighbouring rightsRights administration agreement
Music use 31.05.2022 Commercial with music I want to advertise my products: What steps do I have to take with SUISA? The production of advertising involves several areas. If you are producing an audiovisual commercial created and/or disseminated in Switzerland, you … BusinessesCommissioned compositionCustomer serviceReports on music useOnline useOnline videoSoundtrackSynchronisation rightReproduction rights
Members 10.05.2022 “Us composers, we are like surgeons for peopleʼs souls” Romanian composer Sebastian Androne-Nakanishi attracted international attention at a young age. He moved to Switzerland in 2019 and recently joined … AwardFilm musicClassical musicComposerCompositionMembershipMusic awardNew at SUISASoundtrackSUISA memberContemporary music
Music world 23.09.2020 Swiss Congress on Film and Media Music From 29 September to 2 October 2020, the film and media music congress “SoundTrack_Zurich” will take place during the Zurich … Trade fairFilm musicSoundtrackSponsoringSwiss film musicDatesWork exploitation on the internetWorkshop
Members 24.08.2020 Michel Barengo: sound collector and tinkerer outside the comfort zone Soak up as much as possible and then process it. That is Michel Barengo’s creed. The 37-year-old Zurich resident will … Electronic musicFilm musicFONDATION SUISACompositionFoundation for music promotionMusic promotionSwiss musicSoundtrack
Members 11.07.2019 “Orchestral spaces” or if music becomes spatially tangible when you listen to it In his work, composer Michael Künstle deals with the interplay between tonal dramatisation and dramatic tones. The 27-year-old Basel resident … Film musicFONDATION SUISAComposerCompositionFoundation for music promotionMusic promotionOrchestraSwiss composerSoundtrackSwiss film musicContemporary music
Members 31.01.2019 Michel Legrand, a life for music Michel Legrand died on January 26th 2019. He was 86. The composer leaves behind a prestigious career spanning 60 years … Film musicComposerObituarySoundtrackSUISA member
Good to know 07.06.2018 Why SUISA members should also consider joining SWISSPERFORM Composers and lyricists who are SUISA members and are also active as artists and/or producers and whose performances are broadcast … Common tariffContent creatorArtistLicence incomeMusic labelMusic producerRecord companySister societySoundtrackNeighbouring rightsCollective management organisation
Members 18.09.2017 “Intuition and emotional effect are more important to me than inflexible concepts” FONDATION SUISA awarded Balz Bachmann the Film Music Prize 2017 for his original compositions for Wilfried Meightry’s film documentary “Bis … AwardFilm musicFilm Music PrizeFONDATION SUISAOriginal compositionSoundtrackSwiss film music
Members 28.11.2016 “If I had made a movie with African music, I would have been freer.” The Swiss composer Niki Reiser received the CHF 25,000 Film Music Prize of the FONDATION SUISA in the course of … Film musicFilm Music PrizeFONDATION SUISAOriginal compositionSoundtrackSwiss film music
Music world 07.03.2016 Kandidaturen für den Filmmusikpreis 2016 der FONDATION SUISA Filmmusik wird häufig unterschätzt. Mit dem Filmmusikpreis der FONDATION SUISA wird die Wichtigkeit der musikalischen Arbeiten im Film hervorgehoben. Kandidaturen … Film musicFilm Music PrizeFONDATION SUISAOriginal compositionSoundtrackSwiss film music
Members 11.10.2015 “The most difficult question is which sound suits the film best” At the occasion of the Locarno Film Festival in August, Swiss composer Peter Scherer was awarded with the Film Music … Film musicFilm Music PrizeFONDATION SUISAOriginal compositionSoundtrack
Music world 06.03.2015 Filmmusikpreis 2015 wird in der Kategorie Dokumentarfilm vergeben Der mit 15 000 Schweizer Franken dotierte Filmmusikpreis der FONDATION SUISA wird 2015 erstmals in der Kategorie Dokumentarfilm vergeben. Der … Film musicFilm Music PrizeFONDATION SUISAOriginal compositionSoundtrack