SUISA 31.01.2025 SUISA Board of Directors News from the Board meeting in December 2024 On 16 and 17 December 2024, the Board members gathered for their final meeting of the year. A variety of … Performing rightsBudgetCollectionsJoint ventureCost deductionsArtificial intelligenceMint Digital ServicesDistribution rulesBoard
SUISA 10.06.2024 From the 2023 Annual Report The anniversary year in retrospect Last year was another record year for SUISA. Performance rights were the main contributor: two years after the end of … 100 yearsCollectionsAnnual reportAnnual accountsCost deductionsArtificial intelligencePublic service
SUISA 18.03.2024 Live music experience The renaissance of the Swiss concert scene The Swiss concert scene is experiencing a remarkable recovery. Venues have been revitalised after the crisis, artists are performing actively … Performing rightsCollectionsExecutive committeeConcertArtificial intelligenceLive musicCopyright
SUISA 21.03.2023 Outlook 2023 – a year where everything returns to “normal”? Events are taking place again, crowds are common once more and masks have mostly fallen – everything’s peachy, right? 100 yearsCollectionsExecutive committeeConcertLive musicReports on music use
SUISA 03.02.2023 SUISA Board of Directors News from the last board meeting On 19 and 20 December 2022, the Board members gathered for their final meeting of 2022. There, the way was … BudgetCollectionsPension FundCost deductionsLegal servicesDistribution rulesBoardBoard committee
SUISA 13.06.2022 Overcoming the pandemic Hope and commitment 2022 gives rise to hope with regard to overcoming the pandemic and, above all, improving the working situation for our … Professional musicianCISACCollectionsGeneral MeetingExecutive committeeBackground musicAnnual accountsConcertLive musicLicence incomeSUISA memberCopyright remuneration
SUISA 03.06.2022 War in Europe Two years of pandemic have passed financially smoothly for SUISA – new challenges ahead After two difficult years for SUISA and authors and publishers due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, we continue to face … 100 yearsCISACDirect licensingCollectionsAnnual accountsCustomer serviceMint Digital ServicesMember servicesOnline useSister societyStreamingSUISA Digital LicensingWork exploitation on the internet
SUISA 16.05.2022 Spring meeting of the SUISA Board of Directors The SUISA Board of Directors and its committees held their spring meetings on 11/12 April 2022. After a long break, … CISACCollectionsPension FundBackground musicAnnual accountsSRG SSRArticles of AssociationFoundation boardAdministration costsBoardBoard committeeSupplementary distribution
SUISA 08.11.2021 SUISA and the Covid-19 crisis Since the end of February 2020, it’s not just the music sector that has been confronted with an unforeseen challenge. … BudgetFederal CouncilCollectionsPension FundCooperative societyExecutive committeeAnnual accountsCustomer portalLive musicMy accountMember servicesCorporate strategyBoard
SUISA 04.06.2021 A worthy result despite Covid 2020 was an annus horribilis for many music creators. Concerts and other events were by and large prohibited. Most organisers, … Performing rightsCollectionsAnnual reportAnnual accountsJoint ventureLive musicMint Digital ServicesOnline licensingSUISA Digital LicensingDistributionSupplementary distribution
SUISA 03.06.2021 Full speed ahead The Corona pandemic continues to direct the course of SUISA’s business. This was clearly perceptible at the Board meeting in … Associate membersBudgetCollectionsGeneral MeetingAnnual accountsJoint ventureMint Digital ServicesMember servicesMembershipOnline licensingSUISA Digital LicensingAdministration costsBoardElectionsSupplementary distribution
plus video SUISA 31.05.2021 No physical General Meeting in 2021 either Members with voting rights can still co-determine the fate of the SUISA Cooperative by casting their votes in writing. BudgetCollectionsGeneral MeetingCooperative societyMembershipArticles of AssociationDatesBoardElectionsSupplementary distribution
SUISA 12.02.2021 Planning ahead in a crisis situation Advance planning is particularly important in times of crisis. During the December 2020 meetings of the Board, SUISA looked at … Associate membersBudgetCollectionsCost deductionsMember servicesMembershipBoardBoard committee
SUISA 21.10.2020 Income and expenditure, investments and an anniversary A wide-ranging list of topics was on the agenda for discussion at the meetings of the SUISA Board on 28 … 100 yearsBudgetCollectionsMint Digital ServicesTariffAssociationAdministration costsCollective management organisationBoard
SUISA 17.07.2020 Report of the task force of the SUISA Board of Directors - end of June 2020 In April 2020, SUISA’s Board of Directors set up a working group to respond as quickly as possible to the … BudgetCollectionsCost deductionsLicence incomeMember servicesBoardBoard committeeSupplementary distribution
SUISA 17.07.2020 Corona budget up to the end of May has been met For the second time, the Board of Directors had to hold its regular meetings as video conferences due to corona. … BudgetDirect licensingCollectionsReciprocal representation agreementJoint ventureMint Digital ServicesOnline licensingSister societyBoard
SUISA 18.06.2020 From forte to pianissimo in just a few beats In 2019, SUISA recorded its best results in its 96-yrear history, with total revenues of CHF 171 million. Moreover, thanks … CollectionsGeneral MeetingCooperative societyAnnual reportExecutive committeeAnnual accountsCost deductionsMembershipOnline music distributionDistributionElections
SUISA 15.05.2020 A Board Meeting focused on the coronavirus To comply with coronavirus regulations, SUISA’s Board met for the first time by video conference on 28 and 29 April … BudgetCollectionsGeneral MeetingAnnual reportAnnual accountsJoint ventureMint Digital ServicesOnline licensingSUISA Digital LicensingBoardElections
SUISA 24.01.2020 Outlooks and insights In its meetings on 10 and 11 December 2019, the Board focussed on the budget for 2020 and SUISA’s strategy … BudgetCollectionsMint Digital ServicesOnline licensingSUISA Digital LicensingCorporate strategyDistribution and Works CommitteeDistribution rulesAdministration costsBoardBoard committeeElections
SUISA 04.06.2019 Overall, a positive financial year 2018 The SUISA Board and its Committees for Tariffs and Distribution as well as for Organisation and Communication met for their … International settlementCollectionsGeneral MeetingCooperative societyAnnual reportAnnual accountsJoint ventureOnline licensingSUISA Digital LicensingBoardBoard committeeElectionsSupplementary distribution
SUISA 08.02.2019 Income from performing rights set to rise in 2019 SUISA’s December Board meetings usually focus on the figures for the coming year. Budgets, staffing plans and cost coverage deductions … Performing rightsComplaints CommitteeBudgetCollectionsCost deductionsFoundation for music promotionArticles of AssociationCopyright reviewBoard