Good to know 02.03.2016 Revision of distribution categories 1C/1D and 2C/2D The rules for the distribution of licence fees for broadcast music in SRG TV programmes and in private TV broadcasters’ … Film musicBroadcasting rightCopyright remunerationDistributionDistribution rules
Music use 29.02.2016 How much copyright remuneration does a concert organiser have to pay? This is a question that many ask: How much is the copyright fee for concerts? The reply is of interest … Common tariffConcertConcert organiserLive musicTariffCopyright remuneration
SUISA 12.02.2016 Continuously improving collections SUISA’s Board meeting of December 2015 was marked by numbers and regulations. Board members discussed the 2016 budget. They revised … BudgetGeneral MeetingDistribution rulesBoard
Music world 05.02.2016 Die Arbeit der Komponisten an Hits aus dem Schweizer Pop-Musikjahr 2015 Die Swiss Music Awards warten dieses Jahr mit einer Neuerung auf: Zum ersten Mal werden auch Songwriter geehrt. Am 12. … AwardSongwriterLyricist
SUISA 13.01.2016 SUISA is working cost-consciously Last year, SUISA and the other Swiss collective management organisations (CMOs) have invested time and money into a cost analysis … AGUR12Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual PropertyCooperative societyAdministration costsCollective management organisation
Good to know 06.01.2016 Distribution calendar 2016: Members get their payments more quickly From 2016 onwards, SUISA pays out four times instead of only twice per year. Members thus get their money more … SettlementsDatesDistribution
Music world 18.12.2015 Lionel Friedli, ein vielseitiger Impulsgeber Die FONDATION SUISA hat Lionel Friedli mit dem diesjährigen Jazzpreis ausgezeichnet. Der Bieler Schlagzeuger kombiniert in seinem dynamischen Spiel die … AwardFONDATION SUISAArtistJazzMusic award
plus video Members 16.12.2015 Carrousel: “Sometimes a toy piano helps when you’re looking for a melody” Chromatic, cheerful and charming - thats the sound of Carrousel’s chansons. Hard to imagine that they are created in the … ChansonSwiss musicSUISA member
SUISA 14.12.2015 «Was mache ich als Verleger mit all diesen Werken?» Anfang Dezember 2015 hat die SUISA zum ersten Mal einen Workshop für Verleger durchgeführt. 45 Verlegerinnen und Verleger liessen sich … CopyrightPublishing companyPublisherWorkshop
Music world 26.11.2015 Music exhibition Hurry, haggle and hope at Womex In cooperation with Pro Helvetia, FONDATION SUISA has been providing a Swiss stand at the music exhibition Womex since 2006. … Trade fairFONDATION SUISAJoint standMusic exportMusic industry
SUISA 20.11.2015 The freedom of SUISA members is at stake Dear members, did you know that your collective management organisation invested time and money into a cost analysis requested by … Cooperative societyCollective managementCopyrightAdministration costsCollective management organisation
SUISA 18.11.2015 Cost analysis for collective management organisations A cost analysis has been carried out among the collective management organisations on behalf of the IPI. The figures reflect … AGUR12Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual PropertyCooperative societyAdministration costsCollective management organisation
Good to know 16.11.2015 Several collecting societies Dual memberships: SUISA, and what else? SUISA manages the rights for its members globally. You should carefully review and consider the relevant effort and income if … International settlementReciprocal representation agreementMembershipSister society
Good to know 12.11.2015 How SUISA distributes levies collected for private copying In 2014, SUISA has collected approx. CHF 13m on the basis of the common tariffs from private copying levies, of … Blank media levyPrivate copyCopyright remunerationDistribution
plus video Members 09.11.2015 «Die Songs sind das Wichtigste von allem» We Love Machines aus Bern gewannen mit ihrem Song «Silver Eyes» bei der ersten Austragung des nationalen Musikförderwettbewerbs Swiss Live … AwardFunding competitionLive music
SUISA 02.11.2015 First meeting of the newly constituted SUISA Board SUISA Board meetings of September 2015 at a glance: new Board committees set-up, company business strategy revision, SUISA’s staff pension … Corporate strategyBoardBoard committee
Music world 26.10.2015 Zusammenarbeit am MaMA: Ein Erfolg, der sich bestätigt Am Donnerstag, 15. Oktober 2015, hat der dritte Swiss Business Mixer am MaMA Festival in Paris stattgefunden. Anschliessend hat sich … Music exportMusic festival
plus video Music world 22.10.2015 Swiss Live Talents 2015: Live-Talente aus der Schweiz im Rampenlicht Am 14. November 2015 werden im Berner Bierhübeli zum zweiten Mal die Swiss Live Talent- Awards vergeben. Dieser Förderwettbewerb zeichnet … AwardFunding competitionLive music
Good to know 14.10.2015 New online services in “my account” for SUISA members Since June 2015, SUISA members have access to new services via their personal online user accounts: “my account” now offers … SettlementsMy accountMembership
Members 11.10.2015 “The most difficult question is which sound suits the film best” At the occasion of the Locarno Film Festival in August, Swiss composer Peter Scherer was awarded with the Film Music … Film musicFilm Music PrizeFONDATION SUISAOriginal compositionSoundtrack
Members 06.10.2015 Adieu, great Jörg Schneider! Without a doubt, Jörg Schneider was part of the most popular actors in Switzerland. He also directed films, lent his … Song lyricsObituarySUISA memberLyricist