SUISA 07.06.2024 Distribution Online revenue from “The Mechanical Licensing Collective” in the USA Remuneration collected by “The Mechanical Licensing Collective” for mechanical rights from online use in the USA: What it’s all about … International settlementDownloadOnline useStreamingDistribution
SUISA 04.06.2019 Overall, a positive financial year 2018 The SUISA Board and its Committees for Tariffs and Distribution as well as for Organisation and Communication met for their … International settlementCollectionsGeneral MeetingCooperative societyAnnual reportAnnual accountsJoint ventureOnline licensingSUISA Digital LicensingBoardBoard committeeElectionsSupplementary distribution
SUISA 07.09.2018 Positive figures for the 2018 financial year to date The Board meeting held the day before the General Assembly in June 2018 had a multi-layered agenda to handle. In … SettlementsInternational settlementSwiss Federal Institute of Intellectual PropertyCollectionsLicence incomeMint Digital ServicesSponsoringSUISA Digital LicensingDistributionDistribution rulesBoardBoard committee
Good to know 09.02.2018 SUISA settlement dates 2018 - and one improvement SUISA shall stick to its established settlement dates in 2018. They comprise, in the main, four quarterly settlements as well … SettlementsInternational settlementQuarterly settlementDatesCopyright remunerationDistribution
Good to know 03.11.2016 New distribution key for performing and broadcasting rights The SUISA distribution key for performing and broadcasting rights will be changed from 01 January 2017 onwards. For works with … Performing rightsInternational settlementCISACSwiss Federal Institute of Intellectual PropertySister societyBroadcasting rightAuthorPublishing companyPublisherDistributionDistribution rulesDistribution key
Good to know 16.11.2015 Dual memberships: SUISA, and what else? SUISA manages the rights for its members globally. You should carefully review and consider the relevant effort and income if … International settlementReciprocal representation agreementMembershipSister society
SUISA 10.06.2015 A worldwide network for the rights of SUISA members Music doesn’t know any boundaries. Not just literally but also geographically: Once you have managed to make it abroad, a … International settlementReciprocal representation agreementMembershipSister societyCopyright remuneration
Good to know 08.06.2015 Play abroad, communicate with SUISA at home How do I get access to my copyright remuneration for my concerts abroad? What do I need to consider when … International settlementMusic exportSister societyCopyright remunerationWork registration
SUISA 14.03.2015 Musik, ein internationales Geschäft! Auch für SUISA-Mitglieder? In der Schweiz wird viel mehr ausländische Musik gespielt als Musik unserer Mitglieder im Ausland. Die höchsten Einnahmen aus dem … SettlementsInternational settlementCISACReciprocal representation agreementMusic exportSister society