SUISA 18.11.2022 Report from the Board of Directors News from the last two Board meetings The Board of Directors and its pre-consulting Committee for Tariffs and Distribution and Organisation and Communication met on 16 June, … Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual PropertyGeneral MeetingMint Digital ServicesSESACArticles of AssociationSUISACorporate strategyDistribution rulesBoardBoard committeeElections
SUISA 19.05.2022 General Meeting General Meeting 2022: Face to face again at last After a break brought on by the pandemic and for the first time since 2019, SUISA will hold its General … General MeetingCooperative societyAnnual accountsMint Digital ServicesMembershipArticles of AssociationDatesCollective management organisationBoardElections
SUISA 16.05.2022 Spring meeting of the SUISA Board of Directors The SUISA Board of Directors and its committees held their spring meetings on 11/12 April 2022. After a long break, … CISACCollectionsPension FundBackground musicAnnual accountsSRG SSRArticles of AssociationFoundation boardAdministration costsBoardBoard committeeSupplementary distribution
SUISA 20.12.2021 New features in member services of SUISA SUISA has been enhancing its online service for years now, especially for music authors and music publishers. Self-service is key: … Associate membersCooperative societyMy accountMember servicesMembershipArticles of AssociationSUISA memberAdministration costsBoard
plus video SUISA 31.05.2021 No physical General Meeting in 2021 either Members with voting rights can still co-determine the fate of the SUISA Cooperative by casting their votes in writing. BudgetCollectionsGeneral MeetingCooperative societyMembershipArticles of AssociationDatesBoardElectionsSupplementary distribution
SUISA 08.02.2019 Income from performing rights set to rise in 2019 SUISA’s December Board meetings usually focus on the figures for the coming year. Budgets, staffing plans and cost coverage deductions … Performing rightsComplaints CommitteeBudgetCollectionsCost deductionsFoundation for music promotionArticles of AssociationCopyright reviewBoard
plus video SUISA 23.08.2018 A bird’s eye view of SUISA’s 2018 General Assembly On 22 June 2018, 208 voting members streamed into the Bierhübeli in Bern. They were there to participate in shaping … Complaints CommitteeGeneral MeetingCooperative societyAnnual accountsLändlerMembershipArticles of AssociationSUISA Music StoriesDistribution and Works CommitteeFolk musicBoardElections
SUISA 11.06.2018 Strong together 22 June 2018: it's that time of the year again. As a member of the Cooperative Society SUISA entitled to … General MeetingCooperative societyExecutive committeeAnnual accountsCollective managementFoundation for music promotionMusic promotionArticles of AssociationCopyright reviewCollective management organisation
SUISA 06.06.2018 Exploitation rights in the EU and review of SUISA’s Articles of Association Liechtenstein has been - other than Switzerland - a member of the European Economic Area since 1995 and must, as … Complaints CommitteePrincipality of LiechtensteinGeneral MeetingCooperative societyCollective managementOnline licensingArticles of AssociationCopyrightCollective management organisation
SUISA 31.05.2018 131.4m Swiss Francs for composers, lyricists and publishers It was with satisfaction that members of the SUISA Board approved the results of the previous year during their meeting … Complaints CommitteeCollectionsGeneral MeetingAnnual accountsJoint ventureMint Digital ServicesPrivate broadcasterSESACArticles of AssociationDistributionDistribution and Works CommitteeBoardElectionsSupplementary distribution
SUISA 24.05.2018 SUISA General Assembly 2018: Your opinion counts! SUISA’s ordinary General Assembly takes place on 22 June 2018 in the Bierhübeli in Bern. It will be opened with … Complaints CommitteeGeneral MeetingCooperative societyAnnual reportAnnual accountsOnline licensingArticles of AssociationDistribution and Works CommitteeElections