SUISA 08.03.2018 Wanted: New member for the Distribution and Works Committee Due to a mid-term resignation, a seat on SUISA’s Distribution and Works Committee needs to be filled. We are looking … General MeetingPublisherDistributionDistribution and Works CommitteeDistribution rulesElections
Good to know 19.02.2018 Changes to the distribution of collections for internet use New distribution keys will be used for the distribution of collections for internet use (audio and video on demand offers). … DownloadOnline useOnline videoStreamingDistributionDistribution rulesDistribution keyVideo on demandWork exploitation on the internet
Good to know 20.10.2017 Changes in relation to the distribution of Tariff CT 1 and CT 2 collections In the last few years, cable network providers switched their offerings from analogue to digital. In order to take these … Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual PropertyCollectionsCommon tariffCopyright remunerationDistributionDistribution rulesDistribution key
Good to know 04.06.2017 Publishers’ participation at SUISA not at risk A decision by the European Court of Justice dating back to 2015 and two German court decisions made last year … CopyrightPublishing companyPublishing agreementPublisherDistribution rulesCollective management organisation
Good to know 03.11.2016 New distribution key for performing and broadcasting rights The SUISA distribution key for performing and broadcasting rights will be changed from 01 January 2017 onwards. For works with … Performing rightsInternational settlementCISACSwiss Federal Institute of Intellectual PropertySister societyBroadcasting rightAuthorPublishing companyPublisherDistributionDistribution rulesDistribution key
Good to know 10.06.2016 Publishing agreements: What do I need to consider? Publishing agreements in Switzerland are governed by the Swiss Code of Obligations (OR) The respective statutory provisions on it are, … Model contractLegal servicesTerm of protectionSynchronisation rightPublishing companyPublishing agreementPublisherDistribution rules
Good to know 02.03.2016 Revision of distribution categories 1C/1D and 2C/2D The rules for the distribution of licence fees for broadcast music in SRG TV programmes and in private TV broadcasters’ … Film musicBroadcasting rightCopyright remunerationDistributionDistribution rules
SUISA 12.02.2016 Continuously improving collections SUISA’s Board meeting of December 2015 was marked by numbers and regulations. Board members discussed the 2016 budget. They revised … BudgetGeneral MeetingDistribution rulesBoard
SUISA 24.07.2015 "Creatives can be proud of their cooperative society SUISA” One day prior to the General Assembly 2015, the SUISA Board has held meetings in Fribourg. On the agenda were … General MeetingDistribution rulesBoardBoard committee
SUISA 24.02.2015 SUISA budgetiert für 2015 leicht steigende Einnahmen bei etwas höheren Ausgaben Der SUISA-Vorstand hat im Dezember 2014 die Weichen für das Geschäftsjahr 2015 gestellt. Die Vorstandsmitglieder haben sich sich mit Budget, … BudgetGeneral MeetingFoundation boardDistribution rulesBoard