For 2025, the Executive Committee once again expects revenue to increase compared to the previous year. Looking at the different rights in detail, however, an increase is not to be expected everywhere. As such, the Executive Committee is budgeting a decline in income in the area of broadcasting rights, while an increase in income is expected in the area of performing rights. At the same time, costs fell by -0.1% from CHF 39.22 million to CHF 39.18 million (before capitalisation of investment projects and excluding possible book losses on securities).
As a result of these positive developments, administrative cost deductions can also be maintained at the previous level and/or reduced. A cost deduction reduction is planned in the area of major concerts. In October 2024, the Board of Directors decided that a total of 15% should be applied to major concerts with a turnover of up to CHF 500,000 per concert, i.e. including socio-cultural deductions, and a total of 11.1% to major concerts with a turnover of over CHF 500,000. With regard to a new tariff or a new licence for music usage for the purpose of training GenAI algorithms, the Executive Committee expects a cost deduction of 15%.
All of this also results in a higher distributable amount. It will climb to a record CHF 154.1 million in the 2025 budget.
Distribution rules – revision of point 3.5: Delivery waiver for programmes and reports
Under certain circumstances, that is if it would entail an unreasonable effort, SUISA may refrain from a programme-based distribution, as provided for by law. Point 3.1 para. 3 of SUISA’s Distribution Rules (DR) sets out this possibility in general terms, while point 3.5 of the DR sets out specific constellations in which distribution takes place without programmes and notifications.
The Board of Directors was requested to amend point3.5 DR with regard to the modernisation of the language and content as well as the improved systematic integration of the regulation. It approved this change following previous recommendations by the Distribution and Works Committee (VWK) and the Standing Committee for Tariffs and Distribution (T+V). The agreed amendments shall enter into force upon approval by the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property and the Office of Economic Affairs in the Principality of Liechtenstein.
Contractual extension of joint venture Mint
In connection with the business activities of the Joint Venture Mint Digital Services AG, founded together with the American PRO SESAC, there are various contractual agreements between the mother companies SUISA and SESAC but also between SUISA and Mint.
Most of the contracts date back to the founding of Mint JV in 2017 and were agreed for a ten-year term. Since 2017, Mint has gained a foothold in the global (online) rights management market and continued to develop. The Executive Committee requested that the Board of Directors renew the contract early and adapt it to current circumstances. The Board of Directors approved the renewal of the contracts.
Organisation chart
In addition to the budget, the Board also approved the SUISA organisation chart in December, which will undergo an important change in 2025: A business development position will be created. It will primarily focus on the licensing of music usage for the purpose of training generative artificial intelligence and will develop the corresponding principles. Noah Martin, who has also headed SUISA’s General Secretariat since February 2022 (and will continue to do so), was appointed as the person responsible by the Executive Committee. Benjamin Gut, a sound engineer and lawyer specialising in current copyright issues, is going to assist him in his new role.