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Commentary on SUISA’s annual results for 2016
SUISA is going to pay authors and publishers remuneration totalling CHF 128.9m for financial year 2016. That is the highest ever distributable amount in the Cooperative Society’s history which spans more than 90 years.
Photo: Manu Leuenberger
Text by Andreas Wegelin
SUISA can report a very successful financial year 2016. The result reflects an all-time high regarding the income from domestic copyright exploitation. In the Cooperative Society’s history of more than 90 years, this is a record sum in terms of remuneration that is due for distribution. The average cost coverage deduction remains low - about CHF 88 per CHF 100 of the income collected can be paid out to authors and publishers that are entitled to receive such remuneration.

The best business yield achieved by SUISA previously, in 2008, has thus been topped by the results of 2016. The income from the usage of copyright in musical works in Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein have never reached such high levels before. As a consequence, more than CHF 128m can be paid out to domestic and international authors and publishers entitled to receive such remuneration. That is the highest amount in our Cooperative Society’s history which spans more than 90 years.

Several reasons contributed to this record result. Broadcast and retransmission rights’ collections, in particular, (Tariff CT S, broadcasters except SRG, CT Y, pay TV, and CT 1 & 2), and the time-shift usage of broadcasts (Tariff CT 12, rental of set-top-boxes) could be increased. The licensing of music performing rights, in particular for concerts (Tariff CT K) and film screenings(Tariff CT E, cinemas) also saw a sustained increase.

Regarding the licences for the distribution of music recordings, the trend continues to move away from physical sound recordings towards online exploitation. Regarding online music exploitation, downloads are increasingly replaced by streaming. Remuneration for private copying, regarding Tariff CT 4, has also grown. The latter can be attributed to the expansion of the storage capacity of devices (smartphones, tablets).

Cost coverage deductions remain low

While the costs for rights management have slightly increased, the proportion of this increase compared to the income remains low. The result is that the applicable cost deductions for settlements to rightsholders entitled to receive a payment are a very reasonable 12.37%. About CHF 88 per CHF 100 will therefore be paid out by SUISA to authors and publishers.

Furthermore, there will be a supplementary distribution on top of all regular settlements, at a level of currently 7%. This consists of monies for which the parties entitled to receive a payment could not be traced. After a period of 5 years, such income will be paid out by SUISA as a supplementary distribution on top of all settlements.

Successful negotiations – still a lot of work to do for SUISA

Such positive annual results are a proof of successful negotiations for tariffs and terms and conditions of use, and of reliable customers and business partners. It also shows that music exploitation is on the rise and SUISA can negotiate and enforce licences for music in relation to new technologies accordingly.

Particularly with regards to internet usage, there is still a lot of work to do. SUISA is increasingly managing online rights for cross-border usage directly. This sector is expected to turn into an important pillar of our work for our members.

Further information:
«SUISA 2016 results: CHF 128.9 million for authors and publishers», Press release, 30 May 2017

SUISA’s annual report 2016 is available as pdf for download. For the third year running, the annual report is published together with the brochure “Where the music is new”. It contains portraits of five SUISA members from different music genres. SUISA focusses on musical diversity. A collective management organisation is putting itself at the service of its members and thus promotes and supports music creatives such as the five personalities portrayed in the brochure. The brochure “Where the music is new” can also be downloaded as a pdf. It is also possible to order printed versions of the brochure and the annual report.


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