Good to know 21.12.2023 Work registration Why are there provisional works in my works database? Time and again, works are performed, broadcast or reproduced before they have been registered with SUISA. Such works are stored … My accountMember servicesReports on music useWork registrationWorks database
SUISA 08.06.2021 Changes to the SUISA organisation chart In the course of the retirement of our Head of the International Documentation Department, the Executive Committee decided several modifications … SettlementsExecutive committeeIPIMember servicesDistributionWorks database
Good to know 29.10.2020 Online licensing activities require early work registrations From a sales perspective, online music distribution provides enormous opportunities. With little effort, music can be made available to a … Direct licensingDownloadReports on music useOnline licensingOnline music distributionStreamingWork registrationWorks database
SUISA 30.10.2017 Always on top of things thanks to “my account” More than 14,000 members are already using our member portal “my account”. More than half of all new registrations of … SettlementsIPIMy accountMember servicesMembershipWork registrationWorks database
SUISA 22.03.2016 Right in the middle of it and in full swing to improve the service range offered to members A glance on the service range offered by SUISA for its members shows: During the last few years, there have … Customer portalMy accountMember servicesMembershipQuarterly settlementWorks database