Music use 03.04.2023 Use of music in audiovisual projects Purportedly “free” music Many people browse the internet looking for music to use in their audiovisual projects. Sometimes, the music offered is designated … Public domainCollective managementLicensing agreementOnline videoTerm of protectionSoundtrackSynchronisation rightCopyrightNeighbouring rights
Good to know 07.06.2022 Music in video games Music in video games: Licensing and Addendum to Rights Administration Agreement What is a video game without sound? Video games are hard to imagine without music. Many games become huge hits … DownloadOnline useSoundtrackStreamingSynchronisation rightTariffReproduction rightsNeighbouring rightsRights administration agreement
Music use 11.06.2021 Livestream licensing by SUISA Driven by the pandemic, livestreaming of the most varied forms of events has grown in significance. Thanks to this technology, … Concert organiserLive musicMusic userReports on music useOnline useOnline videoSocial mediaStreamingSynchronisation rightNeighbouring rightsWork exploitation on the internet
Music use 31.03.2021 Licence from SUISA Music in companies: What to bear in mind Music plays an important role in many businesses. It creates a pleasant atmosphere for customers, guests, and employees, it enhances … Common tariffBusinessesCT 3aBackground musicCustomer serviceCustomer portalLive musicMusic userUse outside private sphereOnline videoSocial mediaTariffNeighbouring rights
SUISA 10.03.2020 Collective management is a service for music creators and music users alike Whether it’s background music in businesses or the new blanket license deal covering videos with music on the internet for … Common tariffExecutive committeeBusinessesCT 3aBackground musicCollective managementCustomer serviceMusic userOnline useOnline videoNeighbouring rights
Good to know 05.03.2020 The Artist’s Agreement compared with the Publishing Agreement The economic producer (a label, for example) finances the production of sound recordings containing performances by p artists with the … ArtistMusic labelModel contractRecord companyAuthorPublishing companyPublishing agreementPublisherNeighbouring rights
Music use 12.11.2019 Videos with music on the internet: New offer for small enterprises Until now, enterprises and individuals had to license each video with music on their websites and social media channels individually … Music userOnline useOnline videoSocial mediaSynchronisation rightNeighbouring rightsWork exploitation on the internet
Good to know 05.06.2019 Specific forms of arrangement Sampling and Remixes The articles about arrangements in the “Good to know” series have so far focused on “conventional” arrangements of musical works. … ArrangementElectronic musicCo-authorMusic labelMusic producerModel contractOriginal compositionTerm of protectionCopyrightNeighbouring rightsWork registration
Good to know 07.06.2018 Why SUISA members should also consider joining SWISSPERFORM Composers and lyricists who are SUISA members and are also active as artists and/or producers and whose performances are broadcast … Common tariffContent creatorArtistLicence incomeMusic labelMusic producerRecord companySister societySoundtrackNeighbouring rightsCollective management organisation