Music use 13.06.2017 “Hands-on” – the new Common Tariff K The new Joint Tariff K applies to events which have taken place since 01 January 2017. An overview of the … Performing rightsFederal Arbitration CommissionCommon tariffConcertConcert organiserLive musicTariffCopyright remunerationAssociation
Music world 26.05.2017 Swiss music lives thanks to SRG's special interest stations The Transport and Telecommunications Committee of the National Council has moved to close down six SRG special interest stations and … Federal CouncilMusic promotionPrivate broadcasterSwiss musicBroadcasting rightPublic serviceSRG SSRSwiss popCopyright remunerationAssociation
Good to know 13.03.2017 SUISA settlement dates 2017 – an overview SUISA members whose works are performed, broadcast, reproduced or used online a lot can look forward to receiving remuneration at … SettlementsQuarterly settlementDatesCopyright remunerationDistribution
Music world 06.03.2017 Concerts and Festivals in Switzerland In a commentary for IQ magazine, the publication of the International Live Music Conference (ILMC), outlines the importance of co-operation … ConcertConcert organiserLive musicMusic festivalMusic industryCopyright remunerationCollective management organisation
Good to know 21.11.2016 Interim review on hit boxes, three years after their introduction After a two-year test phase, hit box monitoring has been the basis for the distribution of remuneration for music on … Electronic musicCopyright remunerationDistribution
SUISA 05.07.2016 Tariff negotiations 2016 - an overview While companies in other sectors are at their busiest during the Christmas period, SUISA “sales” hit their peak time during … Federal Arbitration CommissionCommon tariffConcertBlank media levySister societyTariffCopyright remuneration
Music use 23.06.2016 Stream ripping – tape recorders on the internet Stream ripping software records audio and video streams. A copy of the entire stream can thus be saved as a … Collective managementBlank media levyOnline music distributionPrivate copyStreamingCopyrightCopyright remunerationWork exploitation on the internet
Music use 13.06.2016 New Concert Tariff 2017 After some intensive negotiations, SUISA and the association of concert organisers have agreed on a new concert tariff. The new … Federal Arbitration CommissionCommon tariffConcertConcert organiserLive musicTariffCopyright remuneration
SUISA 08.06.2016 Sustainable growth for members Cooperative societies excel by their solid economic activities. This is also true for SUISA. The cooperative society for composers, lyricists … Cooperative societyAnnual reportAnnual accountsOnline music distributionCopyright remunerationDistributionAdministration costs
Music world 23.03.2016 Die SUISA ist am Electron Festival in Genf dabei Die SUISA ist bei der 13. Ausgabe des Electron Festivals zum ersten Mal als Partner dabei und veranstaltet zusammen mit … DiscussionMusic festivalCopyright remuneration
Good to know 02.03.2016 Revision of distribution categories 1C/1D and 2C/2D The rules for the distribution of licence fees for broadcast music in SRG TV programmes and in private TV broadcasters’ … Film musicBroadcasting rightCopyright remunerationDistributionDistribution rules
Music use 29.02.2016 How much copyright remuneration does a concert organiser have to pay? This is a question that many ask: How much is the copyright fee for concerts? The reply is of interest … Common tariffConcertConcert organiserLive musicTariffCopyright remuneration
Good to know 12.11.2015 How SUISA distributes levies collected for private copying In 2014, SUISA has collected approx. CHF 13m on the basis of the common tariffs from private copying levies, of … Blank media levyPrivate copyCopyright remunerationDistribution
Music use 21.08.2015 Ein Blick auf die Tarifverhandlungen 2015 Im Frühling 2015 hat die SUISA sieben Tarife mit den jeweils betroffenen Nutzerverbänden neu verhandelt. Alle Verhandlungen konnten mit Einigungen … Federal Arbitration CommissionTariffCopyright remuneration
SUISA 10.06.2015 A worldwide network for the rights of SUISA members Music doesn’t know any boundaries. Not just literally but also geographically: Once you have managed to make it abroad, a … International settlementReciprocal representation agreementMembershipSister societyCopyright remuneration
Good to know 08.06.2015 Play abroad, communicate with SUISA at home How do I get access to my copyright remuneration for my concerts abroad? What do I need to consider when … International settlementMusic exportSister societyCopyright remunerationWork registration
Good to know 11.03.2015 Copyright licence fee for concerts If bands and event promoters organise a concert together The event organiser of a concert has to pay the copyright licence fee. How does it affect the legal situation, … ConcertConcert organiserCopyrightCopyright remuneration
Good to know 26.07.2013 4 tips for you how to get your concert royalties The open air summer season is in full swing. Immediately afterwards, the winter season with its many indoor concerts ‘gets … ConcertMembershipCopyright remunerationWork registration