Members 15.07.2019 Travelling with and inside a space Place, time and space play a pivotal role in the works of composer, Beat Gysin. In his six-part “Lightweight building … FONDATION SUISAComposerCompositionFoundation for music promotionMusic promotionSwiss composerContemporary music
Members 11.07.2019 “Orchestral spaces” or if music becomes spatially tangible when you listen to it In his work, composer Michael Künstle deals with the interplay between tonal dramatisation and dramatic tones. The 27-year-old Basel resident … Film musicFONDATION SUISAComposerCompositionFoundation for music promotionMusic promotionOrchestraSwiss composerSoundtrackSwiss film musicContemporary music
Music world 27.05.2019 “Get Going!” goes into its second round: “We definitely have our fingers on the pulse of our age” Last year, FONDATION SUISA awarded four innovation grants under the title “Get Going!” for the first time in order to … FONDATION SUISACompositionFoundation for music promotionMusic promotionSwiss musicContemporary music
Members 21.05.2019 Sound space surveyor and ambient sound explorer Saxophonist Bertrand Denzler is always working on new opportunities to express himself in the delicate balance that lies between improvisation … FONDATION SUISAJazzComposerCompositionFoundation for music promotionMusic promotion
Music world 25.04.2019 A career as a producer of electronic music? In cooperation with SUISA and the association “Cultures électroniques”, the Electron Festival, music festival for electronic music in Geneva, is … Professional musicianDiscussionElectronic musicMusic festivalMusic promotionMusic industryMusic producerSponsoringWorkshop
Music world 25.02.2019 Attendance at IKF opens up new prospects for Swiss musicians The FONDATION SUISA and Pro Helvetia presented their joint stand under the banner “Swiss Music” for the first time at … Trade fairFONDATION SUISAJoint standMusic exportMusic promotionShowcase
Music world 04.12.2018 “Get Going” contributions and “Carte Blanche” awarded for the first time As part of its new funding policy, FONDATION SUISA made four “Get Going!” and one “Carte Blanche” grants for the … FONDATION SUISAComposerFoundation for music promotionMusic promotionSwiss musicContemporary music
SUISA 11.06.2018 Strong together 22 June 2018: it's that time of the year again. As a member of the Cooperative Society SUISA entitled to … General MeetingCooperative societyExecutive committeeAnnual accountsCollective managementFoundation for music promotionMusic promotionArticles of AssociationCopyright reviewCollective management organisation
Music world 01.06.2018 “Get Going!” New support strategy: “We want to look ahead” FONDATION SUISA reinforces its activities regarding the support of music in Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein: Each year, four … FONDATION SUISAFoundation for music promotionMusic promotionSwiss musicFoundation board
Members 14.11.2017 “I think it’s particularly exciting when I don’t know which direction a song is going to take” James Gruntz recently released his new album “Waves”. An important role in the creation of this album is the composer … Foundation for music promotionMusic promotionSongwriterSUISA memberSwiss pop
plus video Music world 12.06.2017 Career and calling How do I found and run an ensemble for contemporary music? Where do I get subsidies for my music projects … Professional musicianArtistClassical musicComposerCompositionMusic festivalMusic promotionNewcomerSponsoringAuthorWorkshopContemporary music
Music world 26.05.2017 Swiss music lives thanks to SRG's special interest stations The Transport and Telecommunications Committee of the National Council has moved to close down six SRG special interest stations and … Federal CouncilMusic promotionPrivate broadcasterSwiss musicBroadcasting rightPublic serviceSRG SSRSwiss popCopyright remunerationAssociation
Music world 05.06.2015 «Respekt vor jenen, die sich im Musikberuf ihren Weg gebahnt haben» Über Musik als festen Bestandteil unseres Lebens, Künstler-Entdeckungen dank den Möglichkeiten des Online-Geschäfts, magische Konzertmomente und Förderung von Schweizer Musik … Carte blancheMusic promotionMusic label
Music world 06.03.2015 Bernard Cintas neu im Stiftungsrat der FONDATION SUISA Der Vorstand der SUISA hat Bernard Cintas neu in den Stiftungsrat der FONDATION SUISA gewählt. Jean-Pierre Mathez, der seit 1997 … FONDATION SUISAFoundation for music promotionMusic promotionFoundation board
Music world 11.12.2014 25 years of FONDATION SUISA – a success story The FONDATION SUISA, SUISA’s non-profit music foundation, celebrates its 25th anniversary this year. Since its formation in 1989, it has … FONDATION SUISAFoundation for music promotionMusic promotionSwiss music
Music world 28.05.2014 Swiss Track 2014: Kontroverse Hymne und elektronische Perle aus dem Karton Electronic musicFONDATION SUISAComposition competitionMusic promotionMusic award
Music world 01.07.2013 Swiss Track: Ansporn für kreative Köpfe wie die Maximizerz Electronic musicFONDATION SUISAComposition competitionMusic promotionMusic award
Music world 01.07.2013 Sieg, Song und Swiss Track: Gewinner Maury über seine Street Parade-Hymne Meistens agiert er als Songschreiber und Produzent im Hintergrund, nun steht er selber im Rampenlicht: Maury alias Maurizio Pozzi gewinnt … Electronic musicFONDATION SUISAComposition competitionMusic promotionMusic award