Since 2016, SUISA has been paying out the majority of its income on a quarterly basis. With the new quarterly distributions in March, June, September and December, SUISA has been paying out copyright royalties to its members more quickly. The transparency within the set-tlement statements has also been increased. Thanks to the combination of various distribution categories, it has also been possible to reduce costs.
Online services for members
Our strategy relating to the online service range offered to our members is based on three pillars: Firstly, our websites form the foundation ( and We publish a variety of information on these sites. Secondly, we have been developing online forms for a more efficient notification and registration process. Thirdly, we offer our members electronic access to their data and distributions via “my account”.
The web portal “my account” is going to be developed further over the next few years. The plan is to provide members with the option to update their membership details themselves, raise online usage queries, generate statements of account at any time and to offer additional distribution functionalities in future.
In the course of the new IT strategy, the SUISA works database is also going to be migrated to a modern technology. That way, we will obtain a better performance, but avoid various media gaps and thus reach a complete integration into the IT target architecture. All of this is going to significantly improve efficiency.
Member services under scrutiny
Last but not least, we are going to review our member services. As for any of our efforts to improve our service range, it is always a balancing act between quantity and quality. With membership numbers nearly doubling over the last 10 years, and five times as many work registrations during the same period, without collections having increased at the same rate – that’s a challenge for SUISA regarding its member services which we have to meet afresh every day.
Quality must be right and the costs need to be under control! For 2016, we have launched a project with the aim to create a service range catalogue showing the conditions applying to our service range for our members in future.
Right in the middle of it and in full swing: We have already left certain milestones behind, and we’re ready to tackle the next ones. Many thanks for placing your trust in us!