Members 28.02.2017 “New York forced me to be original” Basel-based musician Manuel Gagneux has caused quite an international stir with his utterly unusual style mix of his project Zeal … MembershipNew at SUISANewcomerSUISA member
plus video Members 20.01.2017 Award for songwriters at the Swiss Music Awards The newcomer Nickless and the renowned producer Thomas Fessler won the first award for songwriters at the Swiss Music Awards … AwardMusic awardMusic producerNewcomerSongwriterSUISA member
Members 28.11.2016 “If I had made a movie with African music, I would have been freer.” The Swiss composer Niki Reiser received the CHF 25,000 Film Music Prize of the FONDATION SUISA in the course of … Film musicFilm Music PrizeFONDATION SUISAOriginal compositionSoundtrackSwiss film music
Members 28.10.2016 Mediate between melody, harmony and rhythm FONDATION SUISA grants Heiri Känzig its Jazz Award 2016. The musician from Zurich is regarded as one of the most … AwardFONDATION SUISAArtistJazzComposerMusic award
plus video Members 03.10.2016 Camilla Sparksss: “A lovely Christmas present” A former monk’s hermitage serves as the birthplace for new songs by Camilla Sparksss. To this day, the view over … Independent labelSwiss musicSUISA memberSwiss popTicino
Members 15.09.2016 “Nothing, nothing at all beats a well-written song” The international success with Bonaparte is the current highlight of the long-term songwriter career of Tobias Jundt. He penned several … MembershipMusic exportMusic awardSongwriterSUISA memberSwiss pop
Members 27.05.2016 Traditional folk music as a basis for more complex compositions The composer and accordion player Franz «Fränggi» Gehrig receives the FONDATION SUISA Award 2016. The annual recognition award granted by … AwardFONDATION SUISAFoundation for music promotionMusic awardSwiss musicFolk music
Members 10.05.2016 “Your soul is reflected in the Blues” Yannick Nanette joined SUISA in 2015. The singer, guitarist and harmonica player from Mauritius lives in Lausanne and constitutes the … BluesMembershipNew at SUISASUISA member
plus video Members 16.12.2015 Carrousel: “Sometimes a toy piano helps when you’re looking for a melody” Chromatic, cheerful and charming - thats the sound of Carrousel’s chansons. Hard to imagine that they are created in the … ChansonSwiss musicSUISA member
plus video Members 09.11.2015 «Die Songs sind das Wichtigste von allem» We Love Machines aus Bern gewannen mit ihrem Song «Silver Eyes» bei der ersten Austragung des nationalen Musikförderwettbewerbs Swiss Live … AwardFunding competitionLive music
Members 11.10.2015 “The most difficult question is which sound suits the film best” At the occasion of the Locarno Film Festival in August, Swiss composer Peter Scherer was awarded with the Film Music … Film musicFilm Music PrizeFONDATION SUISAOriginal compositionSoundtrack
Members 06.10.2015 Adieu, great Jörg Schneider! Without a doubt, Jörg Schneider was part of the most popular actors in Switzerland. He also directed films, lent his … Song lyricsObituarySUISA memberLyricist
plus video Members 28.08.2015 Marcel Oetiker: “I often get inspired when I am travelling” At the Zurich station, Hardbrücke, trains rush past, screech in the bends, and groan when starting up and when braking. … Swiss composerSUISA memberFolk music
Members 13.03.2015 Beny Rehmann’s Evergreens live on Beny Rehmann, popular Swiss trumpeter, band leader and composer, died last December aged 78. His evergreens such as the “Schiffsfeger-Polka”, … ArtistObituarySUISA memberFolk music
Members 01.12.2014 «Ich schätze die Unterstützung der SUISA für die Künstler sehr» Montreux Jazz Festival, Rock Oz’Arènes, Jazz Parade – Amadou Diolo war in den letzten Jahren an namhaften Schweizer Festivals vertreten. … MembershipNew at SUISASUISA member
Members 03.11.2014 «Die europäischen Komponisten stehen auf einer Ebene mit den weltbesten Filmkomponisten» Film musicSUISA member
Members 23.09.2014 In Gedenken an Erwin Ernst Kunz Musiker, Dirigent, Komponist, Arrangeur, Musiktheoretiker - Erwin Ernst Kunz, oft nur Ernst Kunz genannt, war ein musikalischer Tausendsassa und hat … Professional musicianObituaryOrchestraSwiss composerSwiss musicSUISA memberSwiss popFolk music
Members 07.02.2014 Zum Tod von Jazz-Musiker und Big-Band-Ikone Roby Seidel Am 3. Januar 2014 ist das langjährige SUISA-Mitglied Roby Seidel verstorben. Der 71-jährige Komponist, Arrangeur und Multi-Instrumentalist aus Genf galt … JazzObituarySUISA member